A Marketing Challenge for the Year 2023

This is a follow-up marketing challenge to what was started in January 2022.

This is NOT a New Year’s Resolution – they don’t usually work. This is a re-commitment of something I did in January last year to jump-start my art photography business. It worked very well last year – and positive results/metrics were shared here on this website.

This year I am modifying the goals just a bit to make a longer-term commitment well within reach. I am continuing to wean myself from social media and put more emphasis on positive results from the major search engines. I want to (need to) increase the organic search results that bring people to see my photography and my galleries on the various POD (Print On Demand) art production companies that host my gallery stores – listed in the site menu.

Blue Flams heating the Tea Pot
Let me get the fire lit and get underway.

The goal is to create one new article per day for the entire first quarter of 2023.

The caveat is that I will give myself weekends off. (Hey, I am supposed to be retired.) I also will not adhere to a strict schedule. That means, overall, I will publish an average of 5 articles per week on one or more of my websites, 20/21 per month for January, February and March. (Yes, I will count this article among the list below…)

Obviously, this particular article will be a Work In Progress

January Articles

  1. Fenwick Island Dunes and Waves, USPictures.com, 01/01
  2. Fenwick Island Lighthouse Historic Panorama, USPictures.com, 01/02
  3. A Marketing Challenge for the Year 2023, BillSwartwout.com, 01/02
  4. Fenwick Island Lighthouse, SouthBaltimore.com. 01/02
  5. Eclipse of the Moon over the Indian River Bridge, IndianRiverBridge.com, 01/03
  6. Simulated Watercolor from a Photograph, IndianRiverBridge.com, 01/05
  7. Staying on the Boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland, OceanCityBoardwalkHotels.com, 01/11
  8. For Purple Mountain Majesties, BillSwartwout.com, 01/12
  9. A Cat in a Fishbowl, BillSwartwout.com, 01/14
  10. One Cat Eye Looking Directly At You, BillSwartwout.com, 01/15
  11. Red Sky at Night, Sailor’s Delight, IndianRiverBridge.com, 01/15
  12. Dangerous Passage, BillSwartwout.com, 01/16
  13. Tuckahoe River Railroad Bridge in Delmarva, USPictures.com, 01/17
  14. Photo Tip for Photographing Sunsets, BillSwartwout.com, 01/20
  15. I’ve Always had a Keen Interest in Astronomy, BillSwartwout.com, 01/23
  16. Catching the Sun in Her Arms, BillSwartwout.com, 01/23
  17. Having Fun at the Beach in Ocean City, MD, OceanCityBoardwalkHotesl.com, 01/25
  18. Finding Places to Stay in Ocean City, MD!, SouthBaltimore.com, 01/25
  19. Ocean City Twitter Account Is Now Verified, USPictures.com, 01/26
  20. Iconic Red Barn, USPictures.com, 01/28
Fenwick Island Dunes and Waves
Fenwick Island Dunes and Waves and Sea and Sand in the Afternoon Sun

February Articles

  1. This Crab Saw His Shadow, BillSwartwout.com, 02/03
  2. Starry Night at the Indian River Inlet Bridge, IndianRiverBridge.com, 0204
  3. Before Sunrise at the Indian River Bridge, IndianRiverBridge.com, 02/05
  4. Starry Night Over Fenwick Island Lighthouse, FenwickIslandLighthouse.com, 02/06 (first sale was 02/07)
  5. Stay on the Boardwalk in Ocean City, OCtheBeach.com, 02/09
  6. Fenwick Shoals in the Atlantic at Fenwick Island, FenwickIslandLighthouse.com, 02/09
  7. Should I Choose a Hotel or a Condo for Vacation? OCtheBeach.com, 02/09
  8. Artificial Intelligence Art Imagery, BillSwartwout.com, 02/10
  9. Indian River Bridge Cam at Delaware Seashore State Park, IndianRiverBridge.com, 02/14
  10. Indian River Inlet Bridge Gift Shop, IndianRiverBridge.com, 02/14
  11. Song for Sunrise over the Bridge at Indian River Inlet, IndianRiverBridge.com, 02/14
  12. Ocean City Gift Shop, OCtheBeach.com, 02/14
  13. About Dead Tree Pictures, DeadTreePictures.com, 02/16
  14. Ocean City Jigsaw Puzzles, OCtheBeach.com, 02/18
  15. New Website Created, aiArtImagery.com, 02/20
  16. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Art World, aiArtImagery.com, 02/21
  17. Right Time Right Place Photo Tip, BillSwartwout.com, 02/22
  18. Why Are Barns Painted Red? BillSwartwout.com, 02/23
  19. Free Shipping Now Available for Bill Swartwout Photography, USPictures.com, 02/23
  20. Visiting Myrtle Beach, SC? USPictures.com, 02/23
  21. Do You Have a Tote Bag for the Beach? OCtheBeach.com, 02/23
  22. Vacationing in Ocean City, Maryland, OceanCityBoardwalkHotels.com, 02/24
  23. Virtual Sisters Feline and Human, aiArtImagery.com, 02/27

March Articles

  1. Decaying Red Barns, BillSwartwout.com, 03/01 (Almost ready…)
  2. Vanishing Red Barns in America, aiArtImagery.com, 03/01
  3. Myrtle Beach Beach, Sand, Dunes, Ocean and Sky, USPictures.com, 03/02
  4. Watching the Sun Setting Under the Indian River Bridge, IndianRiverBridge.com, 03/03
  5. Pier Against the Storm, aiArtImagery.com, 03/09
  6. What’s Cooking in the Kitchen?, aiArtImagery.com, 03/09
  7. Fenwick Island Lighthouse on the Rocks, FenwickIslandLighthouse.com, 03/10
  8. Last Bridge into Ocean City, OCtheBeach.com, 03/10
  9. Double Trouble – a Two-Headed Rattlesnake, aiaARTimagery.com, 03/11
  10. OC Vacations on Record Pace for 2023, OceanCityBoardwalkHotels.com, 03/31

OK, so March did not make the cut. We were on an extended vacation and I “finally” realized that doing a daily article was distracting. I will pick this activity up once we return home and things get back to normal (whatever that may be).


Metrics and more… TBD

7 Replies to “A Marketing Challenge for the Year 2023”

  1. Wow – that is a challenge! The fact you have several sites doesn’t make it any easier in my mind, but I congratulate for trying to do that. Will be very interesting to see the results!

  2. You are making fantastic progress, here, Bill! And you are launching new sites almost every week! I’d be interested, one day, in how you think the multiple site approach works compared to multiple posts on one site? I can see a little benefit of someone searching for something and seeing the name of your URL, but is that enough to compensate for a less busy and active site in terms of search engine rankings?

    1. Thanks, Steve, for commenting. That’s a good question, that I plan to address when the first quarter is complete. Thus far, I am seeing a nice uptick in organic search results to my FAA private site (https://bill.pixels.com). The first two weeks of this month (Feb) are double the numbers for the first two weeks of December – and FOUR times the number of the same period one year ago. I am encouraged.

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