It’s about time…to move on…to here
It’s time for me to re-align some priorities. I need to take more time to have fun. This was decided back in 2011, just over a decade ago.
Last Friday I was having fun mowing the yard at our beach home. I was having a good time – the day was ideal – so I even cut our neighbor’s entire yard. The yards always looks so nice when freshly mowed. Now that’s not a real big deal – compared to what some of you may mow (or not) – but I realized I need to be outdoors more. We’re not getting any younger and I don’t want to see the world go by – only at 1366 x 768 pixels on this ol’ Sony Laptop Computer. So I decided to resign from one of my volunteer activities, one which involved several hours per week, every week. My new-found free time will be put to good use – for ME.

Yep, that’s me in the picture (note: from another website), but that’s not my airplane. That AT-6 “Texan” was a World War II fighter trainer – and costs waaay too much to rent, fly and maintain. For my R&R in the sky I have (had) a “less expensive” antique airplane, a 1946 Ercoupe (pictured below). My Ercoupe was a source of much pleasure and pride for the (nearly) seven years I owned it. I was sad to see it go but it left for a good home in the Finger Lakes region of New York state – and I had an awesome delivery flight to get it there.
I am occasionally asked if an airplane as old as mine was safe to fly. My answer is usually this question, “How do you think it got to be this old?”
OK – so an airplane is a lot of fun but is also very expensive to maintain to keep it legal to fly and, more importantly, safe to fly. I do miss the time in the air with my old ‘Coupe because, with the canopy open, it was almost like driving a small convertible sports car in the sky.
Moving on to more recent times, the Ercoupe has been replaced with a Mazda Miata with a retractable hardtop. I am now having fun on the highways and byways in a convertible sports car on the ground.
And today we (my wife and I) do a lot of traveling and I have increased my involvement in my lifelong love of photography. Mother Nature is my favorite artist and I try to capture some of what She creates to share with my followers, fans and art buyers. If you’d like to see some of what I do with a camera – CLICK one of the “Gallery” links in the menu above.
Or, to see more specific articles about by photography journey, visit
I completely agree, I need to get out as much as possible. I spend way too much time playing on Adobe!
Great blog, I’m enjoying your beautiful photography and website.