New York Magazine Covers As Wall Art

Fine Art America/Pixels now offers New York Magazine Wall Art

I have relied on the professional quality of Fine Art America / Pixels for many years as my primary production company for my photography wall art and decor items. Their servers also host my primary online gallery. They just announce this exciting news…

New York Magazine has selected Pixels to power their new e-commerce website and sell canvas prints, framed prints, metal prints, and wood prints of their iconic magazine covers!

Click the display below to shop 50+ covers from New York Magazine’s portfolio.

New York Magazine joins many other globally-recognized brands such as Sports IllustratedMajor League BaseballVanity FairThe New YorkerVogueAnne Geddes, and the NBA that sell through and power their websites with technology.

Bill’s Killer Irish Coffee

An old traditional Irish Coffee recipe from Mr. Joe.

I have received many requests for how I make my version of Irish Coffee. let me begin by saying there are many, many different ways in which Irish Coffee is presented – from the simplistic shot of Jameson (or other) Irish Whiskey in a cup of fresh brewed coffee – to a mixture of several liquors in coffee. My version uses six liquors – five in the coffee itself plus one on the top as a garnish or decor/flair finish. I was shown this recipe by a older (80+ years) Irish gentleman who owned an Irish Pub in South Baltimore.

The following is a response by email to a good friend who had asked. I’ve has so many requests recently that I thought I would replicate that response here…

Gail, you had asked about my recipe for Irish Coffee —> Irish Hot Chocolate on FB. But I would prefer not to share there.
I tried the Irish Hot Chocolate last evening for our Happy Hour here at the house and Nancy said it was good. She is not much into the high octane drinks but does occasionally likes a Hot Chocolate with Fireball (we use Tennessee Fire by Jack Daniels because it is a much better whiskey than that used in Fireball). But I digress…
So, anyway my Irish Coffee is a two full shot drink made with six liquors. Start by pre-heating (with hot water) an Irish coffee glass (or mug or whatever you like). Then empty the water and…

  • Pour one full jigger (the large size shot glass) of Irish Whiskey (Jameson or Tellamore Dew or ???) into the glass
  • Add one-half jigger of Kahlua
  • Add a healthy “splash” of Frangelica (or Amaretto) – for a “nutty flavor”
  • Add a healthy splash of Triple Sec for a bit of an “orange” flavor
  • Add a healthy splash of Licor 43 for a bit of a Cream sickle flavor

Note—those three “healthy splashes” should equal about another half shot in total – the combination of flavors adds more wonderful taste sensations than you’ve ever had in a bar-prepared Irish Coffee. 

  • Add hot fresh made coffee – or Hot Chocolate – to with a half inch of the brim – stir gently with a spoon. You should end up with a drink that is about half coffee (or hot chocolate) and half liquor. 
  • Top with real whipped cream (but we never make whipped cream – we use Ready Whip, which is cheating, but still tastes good).
  • Drizzle green Creme de Menthe over the topping. 


Your critiques will be appreciated. 

Note that the photograph is available as prints and other home bar decor items at my online gallery. Link:

A Pirate and an American Flag

Skull & Crossbones with Yacht Ensign on a Fence in Ocean City, MD.

This presents, for comparison, two nearly identical, outdoor still-life style photographs. The first has been edited with a gold-tone filter to give it more of an “old time” feel/appearance and the second is almost at captured by the camera.

Please feel free to leave a comment saying which one you prefer – and why. Thank you.

(Yes, the links do work to browse prints for sale at Fine Art America/Pixels Gallery. )

Skull and Crossbones with Yacht Ensign in a gold tone edit.
Pirate and American Flag (yacht ensign style) as photographed – no edit, other than cropping.

Link: Edited Photograph Prints

Link: Natural Photograph Prints

Can you identify the location in Ocean City, Maryland where this display can be seen in person? Hint: it is near a dune crossing.