This shark attack in Ocean City, Maryland, was obviously more man-made than provoked. The corner of the Ripley’s Believe It Or Not building has a huge Great White Shark that appears to have attacked the corner of the structure. It evidently left the waters of the Atlantic Ocean during an extremely high tide and jumped high enough to crash through and become stuck in the walls of the building – with its head lunging high above people on the Ocean City Boardwalk and its tail waving toward the beach.

Ripley’s large mechanical shark slowly lunges back and forth where everyone can see it. However, I doubt many beach-goers feel threatened by this shark attack because he (she?) has be struggling to free itself of the building for many years, day and night, all year ’round.

I imagine that thousands of beach-goers get pictures of this mechanical shark attack every week during the summer season. However, few of those photos are as dramatic as these. I thought I would put mine in the mix and offer them for sale in my online photography gallery at
Photo taken with Nikon D3200 and AF-S Nikkor 55-200mm zoom lens.