My Mini and the Moon

Attempting a drone range test with my DJI Mini SE…

Well, not really, I was flying to catch a sunrise over Little Assawoman Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.

More seriously, I was flying the drone at sunrise in our back yard – to catch early morning sky colors – and looked up to see a waning gibbous moon. I moved the drone a bit south and east (at 200 ft.) to catch this silhouette.

dji mini se silhouette with moon
DJI Mini SE silhouetted against a waning gibbous moon.

Well, I didn’t catch it at first because all I had for a camera was my cell phone. While the best camera to have is “the one you have with you” – I also realized I need a bit more reach with a telephoto lens than what my iPhone 12 could provide. It was an interesting enough image (to me) that I thought it might make a cool photograph. In this particular case the “best camera to have” was in my office upstairs in our house.

I landed the drone so I could go inside to grab my Olympus E-M10 Mark IV and mounted my Olympus 75-300 f/4.8-6.7 zoom lens. Techies might be interested in the EXIF data: 228mm focal length; 1/200 sec; f/22; ISO 1600; Aperture priority; center-weighted metering.

Oh, yes, here is the morning sunrise that prompted the silhouette image of My Mini and the Moon. Yes, the contrast and colors have been “boosted” a little – to make the morning flight on Saturday, September 17 a bit more worthwhile.

sunrise over little assawoman bay and the atlantic ocean
Sunrise over Little Assawoman Bay, the Atlantic Ocean and Fenwick Island

I’m sure I will be asked about maintaining VLOS (Visual Line of Sight) which is, by law, defined as normal vision without the use of any extra optics like binoculars or a spotting scope. A long, long time ago I learned (and got used to) peering through the viewfinder of a camera while keeping both eyes open. Yup – believe it or not!

Don’t believe that works? Try a Google Search and you might find something like this: “Most photographers close one eye when looking through the viewfinder, but keeping the other openĀ allows you to remain aware of your surroundings. It means you can see things coming into your frame, keeping you ready to press the shutter at exactly the right moment.

First Still Image Test with DJI Mini SE

Night, indoors, low light, impressive results…

Yes, the weather outside is not conducive to me doing a first flight and, no, I did not try flying indoors for my first test with the new (to me) DJI Mini SE drone. However, I did activate it while it was sitting on a coffee table and, or course, had to take a couple of pictures. This indoor “practice” with the DJI Fly app on my (older) iPhone 6 should help me be more comfortable when I do launch my first drone flight.

drone image test bookcase

But – on with the first test – where you can see the initial test photo of a bookcase in our family room lighted only with a couple of room lamps. The lighting was certainly not ideal!

You can see the coffee table in the bottom foreground and one of the lamps used for lighting the room. There was also a lamp behind my wife in the chair on the right and a lamp behind where I was sitting.

A normal, daylit scene, flying outdoors, will have about 50 to 100 times more illumination. Our eyes are surprisingly adaptable to the difference in light between night indoors and sunlight outdoor. Camera sensors – not so much. With that said, here is a center crop of that full frame to show the detail captured under these poor conditions.

drone image test bookcase detail center crop

This is a 660×300 pixel section of the original full 4000×3000 px image. The only editing I did, besides the crop, was to run it through one level of Topaz Studio2 denoise. I am eager to see what this camera can do when outdoors flying on a nice day.

Nikon DSLR vs. Olympus Mirrorless Micro 4/3

Which camera to keep and build into a better system?

I am in need of a quality macro lens but was unsure what to purchase – to add to which camera bag. Today I decided to evaluate my arsenal and did an A/B comparison between my Nikon DSLR and my Olympus Mirrorless Micro four-thirds cameras. I tried two different “kit” zoom lenses on each – varied the focal length (18-300mm) and ISO (200 and 3200). Below is one comparison – guess which one came out ahead – in all instances…

Both cameras were mounted on tripods on our front porch and targeted a neighbor’s front window for a variety of surfaces. Some of the more “distant” shots (wider angle) included sky and lawn for additional comparison textures. But the stone and window frame were good for comparison in the sample below and are indicative of all the shots.

Click the image for a larger version…

Both camera are 5+ years old and have been true workhorses for me. We cruise often and these have been in several foreign countries as well as all up and down the East Coast of the USA. Both still work perfectly.

The cameras are 1) Nikon D3200 compared with 2) Olympus OM-D E-M10 (original model – now up to model 4, which may be my next purchase.)

BTW, if you haven’t already guessed, the Nikon image is the one on the left. An old adage states, “The best camera to have is the one you have with you.” That may not always be the bigger, more expensive camera.

The caveat is that the Nikon can produce a large art photograph because the pixel size is 6012 by 4000. That is good for up to a 60″ print at my Fine Art America Gallery. The Olympus images are 4608×3456 pixels, good for up to a 48″ print.

The “fine print” so to speak…

A friend said if I didn’t do this in RAW I ain’t done. True, I ain’t quite done. However I tried to keep this as “real world” as I get. I stopped using RAW a good while back. Why? Everything in RAW has to be converted to JPEG in post processing and I found that the camera software engineers did as good a job as I would usually do – nearly every time (with a slight edge going to Olympus). Today I only save an image in RAW if is is majorly important and I may not have opportunity to re-shoot – but that is seldom the case. Keep in mind that both of these cameras are of a vintage going back over a half dozen years.

The sample image above was one of several comparisons I looked at and is representative of what I saw across the board. Nikon DX lens AFS Nikkor 55-300mm 1:4.5-5.6 G ED. Olumpus MFT lens M. Zuiko 40-150mm 1:4-5.6 R ED MSC.

Focal length for those samples was set to 100mm, using an aperture of f-8, shutter speed 1/160 and ISO set to 200. I chose that because I usually shoot Aperture-preferred and either wide open, fully stopped down or f~8. I also usually zoom to 100mm if I am in a tele frame of mind – or I’ll go quite wide in the 20mm range.

Your comment(s) will be appreciated…