Went Fishing the Other Day
Caught a warm spell and decided to go fishing for a change. Also had a warm rain so there were night-crawlers on the blacktop driveway for easy picking – so I had an easy and free supply of bait.
Packed a sandwich and some “libations” and headed for the shore of Derickson Creek. It was over on the Delaware State Park side near a marshy area. I set up my tackle and proceeded to feed the fish a nice supply of earth worms – I’m not really much of a fisherman – and soon ran out of my supply of bait.
I figured I would enjoy some lunch and a drink while figuring what I would do with the rest of the afternoon – when I spied a cottonmouth (water moccasin) snake nearby with a small frog in its mouth.
Well, frogs also make good bait and I knew the snake couldn’t bite me with a frog in its mouth. So I quickly grabbed the snake close behind its head, deftly pulled the frog from its mouth and tossed it into the bait can. The problem then was – how to let go of the snake without letting it bite me. Hmmm…I grabbed my bottle of Makers Mark (good Kentucky bourbon) and poured a good sized shot down the snake’s throat. We’ll he rolled his eyes and went limp – so I released it back into the marsh. Problem solved.
I baited the hook and tried to feed the frog to the fish. But, being larger and tougher than a worm, the frog lasted quite a while and I began to get some serious nibbles on the line. But all of a sudden I felt a nudging/bumping on my leg. Wouldn’t ya know – that dang snake was back – with two more frogs.
(Sorry 🙂
To Olloclip or not to Olloclip – that is the question
“So…you’re telling me I should order an Olloclip? I sort of – yeah – kind of – really – get the impression you are impressed with it.” That was my exact response to a friend and colleague who just sent me an email that included her impressions of her new Olloclip.
So, what’s an Olloclip, you ask? A couple people think it’s the holy grail of iPhonography (moniker for iPhone photography). It is an accessory lens “kit” to enhance the superb camera built into your iPhone. You do have an iPhone, right?
There is one drawback, however, as referenced in this quote from her email:
“You’re gonna’ LOVE the little olloclip. Only problem is that you must remove the case…before slipping on. I’m going to work on modifying my case today so that I can have both.”
But there are advantages to having additional “lens” capability. So…buy one…? OK – I think I will. But I also want an auxiliary lens that can provide some telephoto effect. However, that will be a whole other item to think about. I do want to play with (explore) the visual impact of some fisheye pix and I do need better close-up capability, which the macro lens should cover.
More thoughts/remarks/observations to come…after I get mine ordered, shipped and received. 🙂
AND: Ordered, received, and photos taken. It’s a handy gadget but not my cup of tea, so to speak. I need the iPhone for quick takes but need a DSLR for more serious photography.